Highrise bots are automated programs interacting with Highrise servers and users. They can perform various tasks, from moderating content and managing rooms to providing fun.
Highrise bots can perform various functions, including but not limited to:
Moderation: Automate moderation tasks, such as filtering content, managing roles and permissions, and handling spam.
User Interaction: Engage with users through commands, games, polls, and more.
Notifications: Send alerts and notifications for events, news, or content updates.
Integration: Connect to external APIs and services, allowing for a wide range of additional functionality, from tracking game stats to integrating with productivity tools.
Creating a Highrise Bot
Create a Bot Account:
Click on "Create Bot" give it a name, and create the bot.
Develop Your Bot:
Code your bot using programming languages like JavaScript (Node.js) or Python.
Utilize the Bot API to interact with Highrise servers.
Test your bot locally or on a test server.
Bot Management
Security: Keep your bot's token private and secure. Regenerate the token if it becomes compromised.
Performance: Monitor your bot's performance and optimize code to ensure smooth operation.
Updates: Regularly update your bot to add features, fix bugs, and improve user experience.
Community Feedback: Listen to the users of your bot and consider their feedback for future updates.
Best Practices
Rate Limits: Respect Highrise's rate limits to avoid getting your bot banned.
Error Handling: Implement proper error handling to ensure your bot can gracefully recover from issues.
Documentation: Document your bot's commands and features for easy use by server members.
Respect Privacy: Be mindful of user privacy and data protection laws when storing or processing user data.
Last updated